The PolarFire SoC was the world’s first Linux-enabled mass market multi-core RISC-V SoC, originally made available pre-silicon by Microchip through Antmicro’s Renode simulation framework. Thanks to the ongoing collaboration...
The usual practice in FPGA development is to treat bitstreams as proprietary firmware, but through its work Antmicro is showing how a more software-centric and open source-driven methodology can offer more control and significant...
Due to Antmicro’s focus on the development of latest generation edge AI processing technologies, many of the company’s projects involve vision, video processing, and AI/AR, i.e. applications that push the boundaries of data...
As a long-time Platinum member of the CHIPS Alliance, Antmicro takes an active part in developing and supporting an open source and collaborative approach to all aspects of hardware design. In this spirit, in a joint effort...
At Antmicro we are often faced with the challenge of designing video processing devices with a low power and physical footprint. This usually implies using an FPGA for implementing repeating pipelined operations necessary for...