Reliable, fast and secure updates are crucial for uptime and scalability of physically dispersed industrial setups Antmicro helps build, and in order to address this need for internal and customer projects, we have been developing...
Antmicro’s engineering services cover the entire cycle of product development – from choosing suitable hardware, through preparing BSPs (board support packages), to in-field deployment and fleet management. We help build complete...
When developing complete systems with custom hardware, operating systems, drivers and userspace software, it is essential to have a comprehensive testing framework to be able to quickly pinpoint whether specific issues are...
Antmicro’s involvement in building industrial devices for its customers often starts with designing hardware and developing customized Board Support Packages (BSPs) for operating systems like Linux or Android, which have been...
The highly popular and open source Android operating system, while most prominent in consumer-grade products, is also used as an embedded OS where a familiar user experience and standardized configuration are a priority.
Antmicro’s Linux-based embedded device development projects often contain many moving parts, including custom hardware (often in multiple revisions), kernels with custom driver configurations, secure boot and OTA update systems...