Neural networks are a powerful tool for processing noisy and unstructured sensor data like camera frames, accelerometer or biometric readings, which makes them perfect for preprocessing or decision making on edge devices, where...
At Antmicro, we take a CLI-first approach to developing tools, providing clean and testable APIs as well as using them in continuous integration and other headless scenarios, which are frequently found in the industrial projects...
Antmicro’s open source Raviewer tool allows developers working with camera systems, especially in embedded applications, to inspect data collected by sensors in a raw, preprocessed format – to verify correctness of the data...
Given the rising demand for AI processing on the edge along with rapid advances in AI model compression through pruning and quantization to 8-bit, 4-bit (and even lower) integers, the configurability, low power and latency...
Antmicro’s involvement in building industrial devices for its customers often starts with designing hardware and developing customized Board Support Packages (BSPs) for operating systems like Linux or Android, which have been...
Today at the RISC-V Summit in Santa Clara, we’re pleased to participate in Google’s announcement of the open source release of project Open Se Cura. The announcement crowns a many-year collaboration towards developing a secure...