Since its launch in 2021, we’ve been developing the Renode Zephyr Dashboard, a CI system combining structured data obtained from the Zephyr RTOS with our own Renode simulation framework, running a range of samples on over 470...
Neural networks are a powerful tool for processing noisy and unstructured sensor data like camera frames, accelerometer or biometric readings, which makes them perfect for preprocessing or decision making on edge devices, where...
One of the key metrics helping ensure code quality is test coverage, providing objective, automatic ways of making sure that all of the most important branches of the code are verified. Antmicro’s open source Renode simulation...
Renode is often used for deterministic and scalable testing of consumer-grade products like in the case of STM32F412 and STM32H743 microcontrollers used in the ChromiumOS’ FPMCU (Fingerprint Firmware) module found in Chromebooks...
While landing humans on the Moon was a feat accomplished with very basic compute power of 2MHz provided by the Apollo Guidance Computer, modern spacecraft can take advantage of a much more advanced and capable data processing...
Antmicro’s open source Renode simulation framework offers support for various instruction set architectures, with the RISC-V ISA being a major focus for both ourselves – as a founding member of RISC-V International – and our...