Advanced multi-camera systems often require the low latency, high bandwidth and energy-efficiency that FPGA solutions can provide.
The deep control over hardware and software working in tandem offered by FPGAs can be a great...
The UltraScale+, a high-performance FPGA SoC designed for heterogeneous processing with 4 Cortex-A53 cores and 2 Cortex-R5 cores, is often used in Antmicro’s projects. For certain complex devices, the combined processing capabilities...
Over the last year, which may well be called groundbreaking for including a sudden surge in edge AI and the open RISC-V architecture paving its way into the market, Antmicro has been involved with technologies that are changing...
Machine learning, AI, deep neural networks and smart vision - those are undoubtedly the keywords for Embedded World 2017. With last-minute preparations completed and a satisfying feeling of having achieved top-notch quality...