Antmicro’s projects often involve helping companies address their specific processing, security and other needs through designing and prototyping ASIC solutions with open source tools and SoC components, including adapting...
The usual practice in FPGA development is to treat bitstreams as proprietary firmware, but through its work Antmicro is showing how a more software-centric and open source-driven methodology can offer more control and significant...
Machine learning typically operates on large amounts of data which often has to be moved back and forth between processing nodes and storage. This generates bottlenecks and costs in terms of both power and bandwidth. One trend...
Verilator is a shining example of a widely-accepted open source tool which provides state-of-the-art results in the ASIC design space. It is commonly used for simulation and testing, but originally, due to the lack of capability...
Originally issued by Microchip.
Antmicro has been cooperating with Microchip for many years now, enabling Microchip’s Mi-V ecosystem with its simulation solutions. Both companies are Founding Members of RISC-V International
Due to Antmicro’s focus on the development of latest generation edge AI processing technologies, many of the company’s projects involve vision, video processing, and AI/AR, i.e. applications that push the boundaries of data...