As you may remember from previous posts, our involvement in the automotive research platform codenamed MOPED, originally created by the Software and Systems Engineering Laboratory (SSE) of SICS, has been primarily revolving around introducing the Nvidia...
Docker is all the rage these days, and since the publication of Emul8 last November we have been looking at ways to make our open source emulation framework easier to install.
Emul8 is a powerful tool which enables you to run unmodified binaries from...
Antmicro, an international research and development company known for its work with emerging technologies in embedded and cyber-physical systems, announced that it has become one of the 16 founding members of the RISC-V Foundation. Antmicro is therefore...
If you’re a technology enthusiast, it’s difficult not to have heard what SpaceX is about, especially after the successful landing of the first-stage of Falcon 9 a few weeks ago; most will also be familiar with Hyperloop, Elon Musk’s somewhat younger vision...
The excellent Project Icestorm by Clifford Wolf (whom we had the pleasure to meet in Vienna and at ORCONF as a result of the AXIOM kickoff meeting earlier this year) and Mathias Lasser enables the programming of Lattice iCE40 FPGAs with an open-source,...
The 2015 edition of the Designers of Things event in San Jose took place on Dec 2-3, and a balmy California winter weather contrasted somewhat with the omnipresent Christmas decorations.
Colocated with the BIOMEDevice show and Wireless Medical Devices...