Just a short update this time, in anticipation of more interesting ones coming soon. You have seen us write a lot about Enclustra’s Zynq module for quite some time now, but we don’t like to be so one-tracked or to suggest that the Zynq is the only great...
With summer in full swing, we are happy to announce our long awaited port of Android for the Zynq module from Enclustra to those of you who still want some excitement before they leave for holidays – if you have no time to lose, head straight to our Mars...
Enough said: let this Easter be a time of openness, freedom and sharing. Of course we’re meaning your family and close ones, but why not apply it to source code as well?
As an Easter present, we bumped the version of Migrant while introducing deserialization...
It’s been some time since we last wrote about the Zynq, which is not to say that we have stopped to deal with this great technology. It’s interesting to see the process of its adoption and how it brings people from two neighbouring worlds – embedded software...